About Us
How Did We Get Here
When we joined the Twin Flames Universe (TFU) community, we were both in our mid-30s and had successful six figure professions. I was a senior field grade officer in the United States military, and Jason was an executive chef. We had done all the “right things” in life: we went to college, got a job, worked hard, paid our bills; however, our love lives were a total disaster. We were extremely unhappy regardless of all our “accomplishments and professional success”.
We Wanted A Different Life
We were surrounded in unhealthy relationships and searching for love, but only ever experiencing toxic relationships until both of us in our own unique way, decided to change our lives. This choice catapulted us onto the Twin Flame Journey, leading us to find each other upon joining Twin Flame Ascension School (TFAS).
We Chose To Heal
We became friends while attending live TFAS and Life Purpose Classes. Throughout the recording of the live classes, we experienced the dreaded false Twin Flame dynamic. During that time, we underwent extensive healing and personal transformation through healing with the Mirror Exercise and Mind Alignment Process (MAP).
We Walked Home Together
We found out we were Twin Flames several months after TFAS recordings ended. Once the truth was revealed and with the support and guidance of Jeff and Shaleia, we swifty achieved Harmonious Twin Flame Union (HTFU) in January 2020 and married in the Church of Union in September 2020. Over the years our lives and relationships drastically transformed from trauma and loneliness into immense peace and joy as a direct result of The Teachings of Union.
We Live A Life Of Purpose
We are passionate about helping others heal their inner wounds and find peace within and transform their lives. That starts with us choosing to do the same. We recently found out that we are autistic and we share our adult autism journey online in efforts to bring awareness and healing to the autism community.